Fayaz Tepe, the Forgotten Buddhist Monastery of Uzbekistan
Matmata, the last Nile Crocodiles of the Sahara
Desert Castles of Ancient Khorezm in the Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan
Akreijit and the Neolithic Society of Dhar Tichitt
Ain Eddban, the misterious salt lakes in the Sahara
Ghadames, the perfect Caravan Town of the Sahara
Germa, the capital of the Garamantes Kingdom of the Sahara
Ubari Lakes, Libya’s fascinating Desert Oases in the Sahara
Aoudaghost, unveiling the lost economic hub of the Sahara
Tichit, a forgotten caravan town in the Sahara
The unknown Oasis of El Berbera in Mauritania
Ksar el Barka, the abandoned town in the Sahara

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